Setting up the 2nd factor
- SuperTokens is not yet optimised for 2FA implementation, so you have to add a lot of customisations for it to work. We are working on improving the development experience for 2FA as well as adding more factors like TOTP. Stay tuned.
- A demo app that uses the pre built UI can be found on our GitHub.
1) InitialisationWe will be using the Passwordless recipe with SMS OTP as the second factor. You can follow the recipe's backend quick setup guide to configure a different method as well (for example with email magic links).
The Passwordless.init
function should look something like this:
- NodeJS
- GoLang
- Python
- Express
- Hapi
- Fastify
- Koa
- Loopback
- Serverless
- Next.js
- Nest.js
import supertokens from "supertokens-node";
import Session from "supertokens-node/recipe/session";
import ThirdPartyEmailPassword from"supertokens-node/recipe/thirdpartyemailpassword";
import Passwordless from "supertokens-node/recipe/passwordless"
framework: "express",
supertokens: {
connectionURI: "",
apiKey: "",
appInfo: {
// learn more about this on
appName: "<YOUR_APP_NAME>",
apiDomain: "<YOUR_API_DOMAIN>",
websiteDomain: "<YOUR_WEBSITE_DOMAIN>",
apiBasePath: "/auth",
websiteBasePath: "/auth"
recipeList: [
flowType: "USER_INPUT_CODE",
contactMethod: "PHONE"
Session.init({/*Override from previous step*/})
import supertokens from "supertokens-node";
import Session from "supertokens-node/recipe/session";
import ThirdPartyEmailPassword from"supertokens-node/recipe/thirdpartyemailpassword";
import Passwordless from "supertokens-node/recipe/passwordless"
framework: "hapi",
supertokens: {
connectionURI: "",
apiKey: "",
appInfo: {
// learn more about this on
appName: "<YOUR_APP_NAME>",
apiDomain: "<YOUR_API_DOMAIN>",
websiteDomain: "<YOUR_WEBSITE_DOMAIN>",
apiBasePath: "/auth",
websiteBasePath: "/auth"
recipeList: [
flowType: "USER_INPUT_CODE",
contactMethod: "PHONE"
Session.init({ /*Override from previous step*/ })
import supertokens from "supertokens-node";
import Session from "supertokens-node/recipe/session";
import ThirdPartyEmailPassword from"supertokens-node/recipe/thirdpartyemailpassword";
import Passwordless from "supertokens-node/recipe/passwordless"
framework: "fastify",
supertokens: {
connectionURI: "",
apiKey: "",
appInfo: {
// learn more about this on
appName: "<YOUR_APP_NAME>",
apiDomain: "<YOUR_API_DOMAIN>",
websiteDomain: "<YOUR_WEBSITE_DOMAIN>",
apiBasePath: "/auth",
websiteBasePath: "/auth"
recipeList: [
flowType: "USER_INPUT_CODE",
contactMethod: "PHONE"
Session.init({/*Override from previous step*/})
import supertokens from "supertokens-node";
import Session from "supertokens-node/recipe/session";
import ThirdPartyEmailPassword from"supertokens-node/recipe/thirdpartyemailpassword";
import Passwordless from "supertokens-node/recipe/passwordless"
framework: "koa",
supertokens: {
connectionURI: "",
apiKey: "",
appInfo: {
// learn more about this on
appName: "<YOUR_APP_NAME>",
apiDomain: "<YOUR_API_DOMAIN>",
websiteDomain: "<YOUR_WEBSITE_DOMAIN>",
apiBasePath: "/auth",
websiteBasePath: "/auth"
recipeList: [
flowType: "USER_INPUT_CODE",
contactMethod: "PHONE"
Session.init({/*Override from previous step*/})
import supertokens from "supertokens-node";
import Session from "supertokens-node/recipe/session";
import ThirdPartyEmailPassword from"supertokens-node/recipe/thirdpartyemailpassword";
import Passwordless from "supertokens-node/recipe/passwordless"
framework: "loopback",
supertokens: {
connectionURI: "",
apiKey: "",
appInfo: {
// learn more about this on
appName: "<YOUR_APP_NAME>",
apiDomain: "<YOUR_API_DOMAIN>",
websiteDomain: "<YOUR_WEBSITE_DOMAIN>",
apiBasePath: "/auth",
websiteBasePath: "/auth"
recipeList: [
flowType: "USER_INPUT_CODE",
contactMethod: "PHONE"
Session.init({/*Override from previous step*/})
Please refer the Serverless Deployment section in the Passwordless recipe guide
Please refer the NextJS section in the Passwordless recipe guide
Please refer the NestJS section in the Passwordless recipe guide
import (
func main() {
apiBasePath := "/auth"
websiteBasePath := "/auth"
err := supertokens.Init(supertokens.TypeInput{
Supertokens: &supertokens.ConnectionInfo{
ConnectionURI: "",
APIKey: "",
AppInfo: supertokens.AppInfo{
AppName: "<YOUR_APP_NAME>",
WebsiteDomain: "<YOUR_WEBSITE_DOMAIN>",
APIBasePath: &apiBasePath,
WebsiteBasePath: &websiteBasePath,
RecipeList: []supertokens.Recipe{
ContactMethodPhone: plessmodels.ContactMethodPhoneConfig{
Enabled: true,
/*Override from previous step*/
if err != nil {
- FastAPI
- Flask
- Django
from supertokens_python import init, InputAppInfo, SupertokensConfig
from supertokens_python.recipe import thirdpartyemailpassword, session, passwordless
from supertokens_python.recipe.passwordless import ContactPhoneOnlyConfig
session.init(), # contains the override from the previous step
# ...
mode='asgi' # use wsgi if you are running using gunicorn
from supertokens_python import init, InputAppInfo, SupertokensConfig
from supertokens_python.recipe import thirdpartyemailpassword, session, passwordless
from supertokens_python.recipe.passwordless import ContactPhoneOnlyConfig
session.init(), # contains the override from the previous step
# ...
from supertokens_python import init, InputAppInfo, SupertokensConfig
from supertokens_python.recipe import thirdpartyemailpassword, session, passwordless
from supertokens_python.recipe.passwordless import ContactPhoneOnlyConfig
session.init(), # contains the override from the previous step
# ...
mode='asgi' # use wsgi if you are running django server in sync mode
The above will expose all the APIs to the frontend that can be used to create and verify the OTP.
2) Saving the user's phone number post second factor authDuring sign up, once the user has completed the second factor, we want to save their phone number against their profile. For this, we will use the UserMetadata
Make sure to add the User Metadata in the recipe list.
The passwordless recipe will create a new userId
for the user against which it will save the phone number. We can associate the passwordless userId
with the userId
of the first factor, and this way, we associate a phone number to the user:
- NodeJS
- GoLang
- Python
import Session from "supertokens-node/recipe/session";
import UserMetadata from "supertokens-node/recipe/usermetadata";
import Passwordless from "supertokens-node/recipe/passwordless";
flowType: "USER_INPUT_CODE",
contactMethod: "PHONE",
override: {
apis: (oI) => {
return {
// this API is called when the user enters the OTP
consumeCodePOST: async function (input) {
// - We should already have a session here since this is called after first factor login
// - We set the claims to check to be [] here, since this needs to be callable
// without the second factor completed
let session = await Session.getSession(input.options.req, input.options.res, {
overrideGlobalClaimValidators: () => [],
let resp = await oI.consumeCodePOST!(input);
if (resp.status === "OK") {
// OTP verification was successful. We can now associate
// the passwordless user ID with the thirdpartyemailpassword
// user ID, so that later on, we can fetch the phone number.
await UserMetadata.updateUserMetadata(
session!.getUserId(), // this is the userId of the first factor login
return resp;
import (
func main() {
ContactMethodPhone: plessmodels.ContactMethodPhoneConfig{
Enabled: true,
Override: &plessmodels.OverrideStruct{
APIs: func(originalImplementation plessmodels.APIInterface) plessmodels.APIInterface {
// this API is called when the user enters the OTP
oConsumeCodePOST := *originalImplementation.ConsumeCodePOST
nConsumeCodePost := func(userInput *plessmodels.UserInputCodeWithDeviceID, linkCode *string, preAuthSessionID string, options plessmodels.APIOptions, userContext supertokens.UserContext) (plessmodels.ConsumeCodePOSTResponse, error) {
// - We should already have a session here since this is called
// after first factor login
// - We set the claims to check to be [] here, since this needs to be callable
// without the second factor completed
session, err := session.GetSession(options.Req, options.Res, &sessmodels.VerifySessionOptions{
OverrideGlobalClaimValidators: func(globalClaimValidators []claims.SessionClaimValidator, sessionContainer sessmodels.SessionContainer, userContext supertokens.UserContext) ([]claims.SessionClaimValidator, error) {
return []claims.SessionClaimValidator{}, nil
if err != nil {
return plessmodels.ConsumeCodePOSTResponse{}, err
resp, err := oConsumeCodePOST(userInput, linkCode, preAuthSessionID, options, userContext)
if err != nil {
return resp, err
if resp.OK != nil {
// OTP verification was successful. We can now associate
// the passwordless user ID with the thirdpartyemailpassword
// user ID, so that later on, we can fetch the phone number.
"passwordlessUserId": resp.OK.User.ID,
return resp, err
*originalImplementation.ConsumeCodePOST = nConsumeCodePost
return originalImplementation
from supertokens_python.recipe.passwordless.interfaces import APIInterface, APIOptions, ConsumeCodePostOkResult
from typing import Union, Dict, Any
from supertokens_python.recipe.session.asyncio import get_session
from supertokens_python.recipe.usermetadata.asyncio import update_user_metadata
from supertokens_python.recipe import passwordless
def override_passwordless_apis(original_implementation: APIInterface):
original_consume_code_post = original_implementation.consume_code_post
async def consume_code_post(
pre_auth_session_id: str,
user_input_code: Union[str, None],
device_id: Union[str, None],
link_code: Union[str, None],
api_options: APIOptions,
user_context: Dict[str, Any],
# this API is called when the user enters the OTP
# we should already have a session here since this is called
# after first factor login
_session = await get_session(api_options.request)
assert _session is not None
res = await original_consume_code_post(
if isinstance(res, ConsumeCodePostOkResult):
# OTP verification was successful. We can now associate
# the passwordless user ID with the thirdpartyemailpassword
# user ID, so that later on, we can fetch the phone number.
await update_user_metadata(
_session.get_user_id(), # this is the userId of the first factor login
{"passwordlessUserId": res.user.user_id}
return res
original_implementation.consume_code_post = consume_code_post
return original_implementation
3) Updating the session post second factor authWe also want to change the session's payload to indicate that the user has completed the second factor. We do this by setting the SecondFactorClaim
to true
in the session.
We also have to be careful about not creating a new session after the second factor auth is completed. By default, the passwordless recipe will create a new session on successul verification, overwriting the older one. We can prevent this, by using the userContext
- NodeJS
- GoLang
- Python
import Session from "supertokens-node/recipe/session";
import UserMetadata from "supertokens-node/recipe/usermetadata";
import Passwordless from "supertokens-node/recipe/passwordless";
flowType: "USER_INPUT_CODE",
contactMethod: "PHONE",
override: {
apis: (oI) => {
return {
// this API is called when the user enters the OTP
consumeCodePOST: async function (input) {
// A session should already exist since this should be called after the first factor is completed.
// We set the claims to check to be [] here, since this needs to be callable
// without the second factor completed
let session = await Session.getSession(input.options.req, input.options.res, {
overrideGlobalClaimValidators: () => [],
// we add the existing session to the user context so that the createNewSession
// function doesn't create a new session
input.userContext.session = session;
let resp = await oI.consumeCodePOST!(input);
if (resp.status === "OK") {
// OTP verification was successful.
// We can now set the SecondFactorClaim in the session to true.
// the user has access to API routes and the frontend UI
await resp.session.setClaimValue(SecondFactorClaim, true);
// We can now associate
// the passwordless user ID with the thirdpartyemailpassword
// user ID, so that later on, we can fetch the phone number.
await UserMetadata.updateUserMetadata(
session!.getUserId(), // this is the userId of the first factor login
return resp;
override: {
functions: (originalImplementation) => {
return {
/* This function is called after signing in or signing up via the first factor */
createNewSession: async function (input) {
if (input.userContext.session !== undefined) {
* This will be true for the second factor login.
* So instead of creating a new session, we return the already existing one.
return input.userContext.session;
return originalImplementation.createNewSession({
accessTokenPayload: {
...(await, input.userContext)),
import (
func main() {
SecondFactorClaim, _ := claims.BooleanClaim("2fa-completed", func(userId string, userContext supertokens.UserContext) (interface{}, error) {
return false, nil
}, nil)
ContactMethodPhone: plessmodels.ContactMethodPhoneConfig{
Enabled: true,
Override: &plessmodels.OverrideStruct{
APIs: func(originalImplementation plessmodels.APIInterface) plessmodels.APIInterface {
// this API is called when the user enters the OTP
oConsumeCodePOST := *originalImplementation.ConsumeCodePOST
nConsumeCodePost := func(userInput *plessmodels.UserInputCodeWithDeviceID, linkCode *string, preAuthSessionID string, options plessmodels.APIOptions, userContext supertokens.UserContext) (plessmodels.ConsumeCodePOSTResponse, error) {
// - We should already have a session here since this is called
// after first factor login
// - We set the claims to check to be [] here, since this needs to be callable
// without the second factor completed
session, err := session.GetSession(options.Req, options.Res, &sessmodels.VerifySessionOptions{
OverrideGlobalClaimValidators: func(globalClaimValidators []claims.SessionClaimValidator, sessionContainer sessmodels.SessionContainer, userContext supertokens.UserContext) ([]claims.SessionClaimValidator, error) {
return []claims.SessionClaimValidator{}, nil
if err != nil {
return plessmodels.ConsumeCodePOSTResponse{}, err
// we add the existing session to the user context so that the createNewSession
// function doesn't create a new session
(*userContext)["session"] = session
resp, err := oConsumeCodePOST(userInput, linkCode, preAuthSessionID, options, userContext)
if err != nil {
return resp, err
if resp.OK != nil {
// OTP verification was successful. We can now mark the
// session's payload as is2faComplete: true so that
// the user has access to API routes and the frontend UI
resp.OK.Session.SetClaimValue(SecondFactorClaim, true)
// We can now associate
// the passwordless user ID with the thirdpartyemailpassword
// user ID, so that later on, we can fetch the phone number.
"passwordlessUserId": resp.OK.User.ID,
return resp, err
*originalImplementation.ConsumeCodePOST = nConsumeCodePost
return originalImplementation
Override: &sessmodels.OverrideStruct{
Functions: func(originalImplementation sessmodels.RecipeInterface) sessmodels.RecipeInterface {
oCreateNewSession := *originalImplementation.CreateNewSession
/* This function is called after signing in or signing up via the first factor */
nCreateNewSession := func(res http.ResponseWriter, userID string, accessTokenPayload map[string]interface{}, sessionData map[string]interface{}, userContext supertokens.UserContext) (sessmodels.SessionContainer, error) {
if session, ok := (*userContext)["session"].(sessmodels.SessionContainer); ok {
* This will be true for the second factor login.
* So instead of creating a new session, we return the already existing one.
return session, nil
if accessTokenPayload == nil {
accessTokenPayload = map[string]interface{}{}
accessTokenPayload, err := SecondFactorClaim.Build(userID, accessTokenPayload, userContext)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return oCreateNewSession(res, userID, accessTokenPayload, sessionData, userContext)
*originalImplementation.CreateNewSession = nCreateNewSession
return originalImplementation
from supertokens_python.recipe.passwordless.interfaces import APIInterface, APIOptions, ConsumeCodePostOkResult
from typing import Union, Dict, Any
from supertokens_python.recipe.session.asyncio import get_session
from supertokens_python.recipe.usermetadata.asyncio import update_user_metadata
from supertokens_python.recipe.session.interfaces import SessionContainer, RecipeInterface
from import BooleanClaim
SecondFactorClaim = BooleanClaim(
key="2fa-completed", fetch_value=lambda _, __: False)
def override_passwordless_apis(original_implementation: APIInterface):
original_consume_code_post = original_implementation.consume_code_post
async def consume_code_post(
pre_auth_session_id: str,
user_input_code: Union[str, None],
device_id: Union[str, None],
link_code: Union[str, None],
api_options: APIOptions,
user_context: Dict[str, Any],
# this API is called when the user enters the OTP
# A session should already exist since this should be called after the first factor is completed.
# We set the claims to check to be [] here, since this needs to be callable
# without the second factor completed
_session = await get_session(api_options.request, override_global_claim_validators=lambda _, __, ___: [])
assert _session is not None
# we should add the existing session to the user_context
# so that the create_new_session function
# doesn't create a new session
user_context["session"] = _session
res = await original_consume_code_post(
if isinstance(res, ConsumeCodePostOkResult):
# OTP verification was successful. We can now mark the
# session's payload as {"is2faComplete": True} so that
# the user has access to API routes and the frontend UI
await _session.set_claim_value(SecondFactorClaim, True)
# We can now associate
# the passwordless user ID with the thirdpartyemailpassword
# user ID, so that later on, we can fetch the phone number.
await update_user_metadata(
_session.get_user_id(), # userId of the first factor login
{"passwordlessUserId": res.user.user_id}
return res
original_implementation.consume_code_post = consume_code_post
return original_implementation
def override_session_functions(original_implementation: RecipeInterface):
original_create_new_session = original_implementation.create_new_session
async def create_new_session(
request: Any,
user_id: str,
access_token_payload: Union[None, Dict[str, Any]],
session_data: Union[None, Dict[str, Any]],
user_context: Dict[str, Any],
# This function is called after signing in or
# signing up via the first factor
_session = user_context.get("session")
if _session and isinstance(_session, SessionContainer):
# This will be true for the second factor login.
# So instead of creating a new session, we return the already existing one.
return _session
if access_token_payload is None:
access_token_payload = {}
access_token_payload = {**access_token_payload, **(await, user_context))}
return await original_create_new_session(
request, user_id, access_token_payload, session_data, user_context
original_implementation.create_new_session = create_new_session
return original_implementation
4) Validating the phone numberBy default, the Passwordless API for sending an OTP (createCodePOST
) sends the OTP to the input phone number, and if we don't modify that, the attack below is be possible:
- Alice (user) signs up using a weak password and their phone number.
- Mallory (attacker) successfully guesses Alice's password and queries the OTP sending API manually, to inject her phone number for the second factor auth.
- OTP is sent to Mallory's phone number and she can pass the second factor challenge.
To make it secure, we override the createCodePOST
API and check that the input phone number is the same as the phone number associated with the user. If it's not the same, we throw an error, and if it is the same, we continue:
- NodeJS
- GoLang
- Python
import Session from "supertokens-node/recipe/session";
import UserMetadata from "supertokens-node/recipe/usermetadata";
import Passwordless from "supertokens-node/recipe/passwordless";
flowType: "USER_INPUT_CODE",
contactMethod: "PHONE",
override: {
apis: (oI) => {
return {
/*This API is called to send an OTP*/
createCodePOST: async function (input) {
* We want to make sure that the OTP being generated is for the
* same number that belongs to this user.
// A session should already exist since this should be called after the first factor is completed.
// We set the claims to check to be [] here, since this needs to be callable
// without the second factor completed
let session = await Session.getSession(input.options.req, input.options.res, {
overrideGlobalClaimValidators: () => [],
// We try and get the phone number associated with this user. It will be
// defined if this is a sign in attempt, in which case, we will check that
// it is equal to the input phone number
let userMetadata = await UserMetadata.getUserMetadata(session!.getUserId());
let phoneNumber: string | undefined = undefined;
if (userMetadata.metadata.passwordlessUserId !== undefined) {
// the flow will come here during a login attempt, since we
// associate the passwordless userId to the user on sign up
let passwordlessUserInfo = await Passwordless.getUserById({
userId: userMetadata.metadata.passwordlessUserId as string,
userContext: input.userContext,
phoneNumber = passwordlessUserInfo?.phoneNumber;
if (phoneNumber !== undefined) {
// this means we found a phone number associated to this user.
// we will check if the input phone number is the same as this one.
if (!("phoneNumber" in input) || input.phoneNumber !== phoneNumber) {
throw new Error("Input phone number is not the same as the one saved for this user");
return oI.createCodePOST!(input);
consumeCodePOST: async function (input) {
/*...Modifications from previous step */
let resp = await oI.consumeCodePOST!(input);
/*...Modifications from previous step */
return resp;
import (
func main() {
ContactMethodPhone: plessmodels.ContactMethodPhoneConfig{
Enabled: true,
Override: &plessmodels.OverrideStruct{
APIs: func(originalImplementation plessmodels.APIInterface) plessmodels.APIInterface {
/*This API is called to send an OTP*/
oCreateCodePOST := *originalImplementation.CreateCodePOST
nCreateCodePOST := func(email *string, phoneNumber *string, options plessmodels.APIOptions, userContext supertokens.UserContext) (plessmodels.CreateCodePOSTResponse, error) {
* We want to make sure that the OTP being generated is for the
* same number that belongs to this user.
// A session should already exist since this should be called after the first factor is completed.
// We set the claims to check to be [] here, since this needs to be callable
// without the second factor completed
session, err := session.GetSession(options.Req, options.Res, &sessmodels.VerifySessionOptions{
OverrideGlobalClaimValidators: func(globalClaimValidators []claims.SessionClaimValidator, sessionContainer sessmodels.SessionContainer, userContext supertokens.UserContext) ([]claims.SessionClaimValidator, error) {
return []claims.SessionClaimValidator{}, nil
if err != nil {
return plessmodels.CreateCodePOSTResponse{}, err
// We try and get the phone number associated with this user. It will be
// defined if this is a sign in attempt, in which case, we will check that
// it is equal to the input phone number
userMetadata, err := usermetadata.GetUserMetadataWithContext(session.GetUserID(), userContext)
if err != nil {
return plessmodels.CreateCodePOSTResponse{}, err
var userPhoneNumber *string
if passwordlessUserId, ok := userMetadata["passwordlessUserId"].(string); ok {
// the flow will come here during a login attempt, since we
// associate the passwordless userId to the user on sign up
passwordlessUserInfo, err := passwordless.GetUserByIDWithContext(passwordlessUserId, userContext)
if err != nil {
return plessmodels.CreateCodePOSTResponse{}, err
userPhoneNumber = passwordlessUserInfo.PhoneNumber
if userPhoneNumber != nil {
// this means we found a phone number associated to this user.
// we will check if the input phone number is the same as this one.
if phoneNumber == nil || *phoneNumber != *userPhoneNumber {
return plessmodels.CreateCodePOSTResponse{}, errors.New("Input phone number is not the same as the one saved for this user")
return oCreateCodePOST(email, phoneNumber, options, userContext)
*originalImplementation.CreateCodePOST = nCreateCodePOST
oConsumeCodePOST := *originalImplementation.ConsumeCodePOST
nConsumeCodePost := func(userInput *plessmodels.UserInputCodeWithDeviceID, linkCode *string, preAuthSessionID string, options plessmodels.APIOptions, userContext supertokens.UserContext) (plessmodels.ConsumeCodePOSTResponse, error) {
/*...mofications from previous step */
resp, err := oConsumeCodePOST(userInput, linkCode, preAuthSessionID, options, userContext)
/*...mofications from previous step */
return resp, err
*originalImplementation.ConsumeCodePOST = nConsumeCodePost
return originalImplementation
from supertokens_python.recipe.passwordless.interfaces import APIInterface, APIOptions
from typing import Union, Dict, Any, Optional
from supertokens_python.recipe.session.asyncio import get_session
from supertokens_python.recipe.usermetadata.asyncio import get_user_metadata
from supertokens_python.recipe.passwordless.asyncio import get_user_by_id
def override_passwordless_apis(original_implementation: APIInterface):
original_consume_code_post = original_implementation.consume_code_post
original_create_code_post = original_implementation.create_code_post
async def create_code_post(
email: Union[str, None],
phone_number: Union[str, None],
api_options: APIOptions,
user_context: Dict[str, Any],
# This API is called to send an OTP
# We want to make sure that the OTP being generated is for the
# same number that belongs to this user.
# A session should already exist since this should be called after the first factor is completed.
# We set the claims to check to be [] here, since this needs to be callable
# without the second factor completed
_session = await get_session(api_options.request, override_global_claim_validators=lambda _, __, ___: [])
assert _session is not None
# We try to get the phone number associated with this user. It will be
# defined if this is a sign in attempt, in which case, we will check that
# it is equal to the input phone number
user_metadata = await get_user_metadata(_session.get_user_id())
user_metadata_phone_number: Optional[str] = None
if user_metadata.metadata.get("passwordlessUserId"):
# the flow will come here during a login attempt, since we
# associate the passwordless userId to the user on sign up
passwordless_user_info = await get_user_by_id(
user_metadata.metadata["passwordlessUserId"], user_context
if passwordless_user_info is not None:
user_metadata_phone_number = passwordless_user_info.phone_number
if user_metadata_phone_number is not None:
# this means we found a phone number associated to this user
# we will check if the input phone number is the same as this one.
if (phone_number is None) or (phone_number != user_metadata_phone_number):
raise Exception(
"Input phone number is not the same as the one saved for this user"
return await original_create_code_post(
email, phone_number, api_options, user_context
async def consume_code_post(
pre_auth_session_id: str,
user_input_code: Union[str, None],
device_id: Union[str, None],
link_code: Union[str, None],
api_options: APIOptions,
user_context: Dict[str, Any],
# ...Modifications from previous step
res = await original_consume_code_post(
# ...Modifications from previous step
return res
original_implementation.create_code_post = create_code_post
original_implementation.consume_code_post = consume_code_post
return original_implementation
5) Storing the user's phone number in the sessionWhen the session is first created (after the first factor is completed), we store the user's phone number in the session (if it exists), so that the frontend can call the createCodePOST
API (to intiate the second factor challenge) without asking the user for their phone number again.
We do this by modifying the createNewSession
function in the Session.init
- NodeJS
- GoLang
- Python
import Session from "supertokens-node/recipe/session";
import UserMetadata from "supertokens-node/recipe/usermetadata";
import Passwordless from "supertokens-node/recipe/passwordless";
override: {
functions: (originalImplementation) => {
return {
/* This function is called after signing in or signing up via the first factor */
createNewSession: async function (input) {
if (input.userContext.session !== undefined) {
* This will be true for the second factor login.
* So instead of creating a new session, we return the already existing one.
return input.userContext.session;
// we first get the passwordless userId associated with this user
// using the UserMetadata recipe
let userMetadata = await UserMetadata.getUserMetadata(input.userId);
let phoneNumber: string | undefined = undefined;
if (userMetadata.metadata.passwordlessUserId !== undefined) {
// We get the phone number associated with the passwordless userId.
let passwordlessUserInfo = await Passwordless.getUserById({
userId: userMetadata.metadata.passwordlessUserId as string,
userContext: input.userContext,
phoneNumber = passwordlessUserInfo?.phoneNumber;
return originalImplementation.createNewSession({
accessTokenPayload: {
...(await, input.userContext)),
import (
func main() {
SecondFactorClaim, _ := claims.BooleanClaim("2fa-completed", func(userId string, userContext supertokens.UserContext) (interface{}, error) {
return false, nil
}, nil)
Override: &sessmodels.OverrideStruct{
Functions: func(originalImplementation sessmodels.RecipeInterface) sessmodels.RecipeInterface {
oCreateNewSession := *originalImplementation.CreateNewSession
/* This function is called after signing in or signing up via the first factor */
nCreateNewSession := func(res http.ResponseWriter, userID string, accessTokenPayload map[string]interface{}, sessionData map[string]interface{}, userContext supertokens.UserContext) (sessmodels.SessionContainer, error) {
if session, ok := (*userContext)["session"].(sessmodels.SessionContainer); ok {
* This will be true for the second factor login.
* So instead of creating a new session, we return the already existing one.
return session, nil
// we first get the passwordless userId associated with this user
// using the UserMetadata recipe
userMetadata, err := usermetadata.GetUserMetadataWithContext(userID, userContext)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
var userPhoneNumber *string
if passwordlessUserId, ok := userMetadata["passwordlessUserId"].(string); ok {
passwordlessUserInfo, err := passwordless.GetUserByIDWithContext(passwordlessUserId, userContext)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
userPhoneNumber = passwordlessUserInfo.PhoneNumber
if accessTokenPayload == nil {
accessTokenPayload = map[string]interface{}{}
accessTokenPayload, err = SecondFactorClaim.Build(userID, accessTokenPayload, userContext)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if userPhoneNumber != nil {
accessTokenPayload["phoneNumber"] = *userPhoneNumber
return oCreateNewSession(res, userID, accessTokenPayload, sessionData, userContext)
*originalImplementation.CreateNewSession = nCreateNewSession
return originalImplementation
from typing import Union, Dict, Any, Optional
from supertokens_python.recipe.usermetadata.asyncio import get_user_metadata
from supertokens_python.recipe.passwordless.asyncio import get_user_by_id
from supertokens_python.recipe.session.interfaces import SessionContainer, RecipeInterface
from import BooleanClaim
SecondFactorClaim = BooleanClaim(
key="2fa-completed", fetch_value=lambda _, __: False)
def override_session_functions(original_implementation: RecipeInterface):
original_create_new_session = original_implementation.create_new_session
async def create_new_session(
request: Any,
user_id: str,
access_token_payload: Union[None, Dict[str, Any]],
session_data: Union[None, Dict[str, Any]],
user_context: Dict[str, Any],
# This function is called after signing in
# or signing up via the first factor
_session = user_context.get("session")
if _session and isinstance(_session, SessionContainer):
# This will be true for the second factor login.
# So instead of creating a new session, we return the already existing one.
return _session
if access_token_payload is None:
access_token_payload = {}
# we first get the passwordless user id associated with this user
# using the user_metadata recipe
user_metadata = await get_user_metadata(user_id)
phone_number: Optional[str] = None
if user_metadata.metadata.get("passwordlessUserId") is not None:
# We get the phone number associated with the passwordless userId
passwordless_user_info = await get_user_by_id(
user_metadata.metadata["passwordlessUserId"], user_context
if passwordless_user_info is not None:
phone_number = passwordless_user_info.phone_number
# Insert "is2faComplete" and "phoneNumber" in the access token payload
access_token_payload = {
**(await, user_context)),
"phoneNumber": phone_number,
return await original_create_new_session(
request, user_id, access_token_payload, session_data, user_context
original_implementation.create_new_session = create_new_session
return original_implementation
We can then further modify the customisation in step (4) to simply read from the session's payload making it more efficient:
- NodeJS
- GoLang
- Python
import Session from "supertokens-node/recipe/session";
import UserMetadata from "supertokens-node/recipe/usermetadata";
import Passwordless from "supertokens-node/recipe/passwordless";
flowType: "USER_INPUT_CODE",
contactMethod: "PHONE",
override: {
apis: (oI) => {
return {
/*This API is called to send an OTP*/
createCodePOST: async function (input) {
* We want to make sure that the OTP being generated is for the
* same number that belongs to this user.
// A session should already exist since this should be called after the first factor is completed.
// We remove claim checking here, since this needs to be callable without the second factor completed
let session = await Session.getSession(input.options.req, input.options.res, {
overrideGlobalClaimValidators: () => [],
let phoneNumber: string = session!.getAccessTokenPayload().phoneNumber;
if (phoneNumber !== undefined) {
// this means we found a phone number associated to this user.
// we will check if the input phone number is the same as this one.
if (!("phoneNumber" in input) || input.phoneNumber !== phoneNumber) {
throw new Error("Input phone number is not the same as the one saved for this user");
return oI.createCodePOST!(input);
consumeCodePOST: async function (input) {
/*...Modifications from previous step */
let resp = await oI.consumeCodePOST!(input);
/*...Modifications from previous step */
return resp;
import (
func main() {
ContactMethodPhone: plessmodels.ContactMethodPhoneConfig{
Enabled: true,
Override: &plessmodels.OverrideStruct{
APIs: func(originalImplementation plessmodels.APIInterface) plessmodels.APIInterface {
/*This API is called to send an OTP*/
oCreateCodePOST := *originalImplementation.CreateCodePOST
nCreateCodePOST := func(email *string, phoneNumber *string, options plessmodels.APIOptions, userContext supertokens.UserContext) (plessmodels.CreateCodePOSTResponse, error) {
* We want to make sure that the OTP being generated is for the
* same number that belongs to this user.
// A session should already exist since this should be called after the first factor is completed.
// We set the claims to check to be [] here, since this needs to be callable
// without the second factor completed
session, err := session.GetSession(options.Req, options.Res, &sessmodels.VerifySessionOptions{
OverrideGlobalClaimValidators: func(globalClaimValidators []claims.SessionClaimValidator, sessionContainer sessmodels.SessionContainer, userContext supertokens.UserContext) ([]claims.SessionClaimValidator, error) {
return []claims.SessionClaimValidator{}, nil
if err != nil {
return plessmodels.CreateCodePOSTResponse{}, err
var userPhoneNumber *string
if phoneNumber, ok := session.GetAccessTokenPayloadWithContext(userContext)["phoneNumber"].(string); ok {
userPhoneNumber = &phoneNumber
if userPhoneNumber != nil {
// this means we found a phone number associated to this user.
// we will check if the input phone number is the same as this one.
if phoneNumber == nil || *phoneNumber != *userPhoneNumber {
return plessmodels.CreateCodePOSTResponse{}, errors.New("Input phone number is not the same as the one saved for this user")
return oCreateCodePOST(email, phoneNumber, options, userContext)
*originalImplementation.CreateCodePOST = nCreateCodePOST
oConsumeCodePOST := *originalImplementation.ConsumeCodePOST
nConsumeCodePost := func(userInput *plessmodels.UserInputCodeWithDeviceID, linkCode *string, preAuthSessionID string, options plessmodels.APIOptions, userContext supertokens.UserContext) (plessmodels.ConsumeCodePOSTResponse, error) {
/*...mofications from previous step */
resp, err := oConsumeCodePOST(userInput, linkCode, preAuthSessionID, options, userContext)
/*...mofications from previous step */
return resp, err
*originalImplementation.ConsumeCodePOST = nConsumeCodePost
return originalImplementation
from supertokens_python.recipe.passwordless.interfaces import APIInterface, APIOptions
from typing import Union, Dict, Any
from supertokens_python.recipe.session.asyncio import get_session
def override_passwordless_apis(original_implementation: APIInterface):
original_create_code_post = original_implementation.create_code_post
async def create_code_post(
email: Union[str, None],
phone_number: Union[str, None],
api_options: APIOptions,
user_context: Dict[str, Any],
# This API is called to send an OTP
# We want to make sure that the OTP being generated is for the
# same number that belongs to this user.
# A session should already exist since this should be called after the first factor is completed.
# We set the claims to check to be [] here, since this needs to be callable
# without the second factor completed
_session = await get_session(api_options.request, override_global_claim_validators=lambda _, __, ___: [])
assert _session is not None
payload_phone_number = _session.get_access_token_payload().get("phoneNumber")
if payload_phone_number is not None:
# this means we found a phone number associated to this user
# we will check if the input phone number is the same as this one.
if (phone_number is None) or (phone_number != payload_phone_number):
raise Exception(
"Input phone number is not the same as the one saved for this user"
return await original_create_code_post(
email, phone_number, api_options, user_context
original_implementation.create_code_post = create_code_post